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时间:2011-11-03 01:10 来源:北纬森教育

Grade 3


Examination format

Total examination time: 7 minutes

The examination consists of one assessed phase:

Conversation with the examiner (up to 7 minutes).

Candidate performance

In addition to the items listed for the previous grades, the candidate is expected to demonstrate the

following communicative skills and meet the language requirements listed below during the examination.

Communicative skills

Show understanding by responding appropriately to simple questions and requests

Use basic sentence patterns and phrases to communicate limited information related to

simple everyday situations

Exchange basic information about everyday life and activities by asking and answering

simple questions

Link groups of words in a very simple way using and, and then

Grade 3

Language requirements

Language functions

Describing daily routines and times

Giving dates

Expressing ability and inability

Giving very simple directions and locations

Describing current activities of real people or those in pictures

Describing states in the past

Asking simple questions about everyday life


The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to understand and use:

Present continuous tense

Can and can’t

Prepositions of movement from, to, up, down, along, across

Prepositions of time on, in, at

Prepositions of place near, in front of, behind, opposite

Past tense of the verb to be

Link words and, and then

he candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to understand and use vocabulary related to:


Places in the local area

Place of study

Home life


Free time

Times and dates

Ordinal numbers up to 31st for dates

The language functions listed above


The correct pronunciation of words relevant to the lexical areas listed above

The use of contractions where appropriate

Basic stress and intonation patterns for words, short sentences and simple questions

Grade 3 communicative skills and language requirements have been mapped to A2.1 in the CEF





  • Tracy老师



  • 徐老师



  • 张老师



  • 赵老师


    赵老师简介: 西南大学毕业,有10年的英语教学经验。赵...